Wednesday, September 14, 2005

By the way..........

If anyone could tell me how to add links to other sites, I'd really appreciate it! I tried to follow Blogger's instructions, but it didn't work!


Muddystingbee said...

Did you try going into the HTML template? That's how I did mine, but it's kind of hard to explain...

Mrs.X said...

If that was what Blogger told me to do I tried. I may try again when my brain is firing on all cylinders again!

ghartstein said...

Go to the template tab in your blog when you log in.

Scrool down and look for the links near the bottom

Find the link for "Google News"

Copy and paste it directly under itself.

In a new window, open theblog towhich you want to link.

Copy the URL (web address) of the blog and paste it into the web address for goodle news in your new link. Be sure to paste over everythign in thequotes (include the http://

Then Highlight the title "Google News" (not the URL, the title) and replace it with the name or title of the blog (the name the way you want it to appear in your links side bar)

Check it against the original Google news link to be sure all the code stuff is the same and theonly different stuff is the URL and site name.

Save your template changes and republish your blog

HOpe that helps!

Mrs.X said...

I tried but there doesn't seem to be anything that says google on the template. I've tried switching templates but... same thing. I'll keep messing with it. I'm sure eventually I'll figure it out! Thanks.